Restaurants near Higashiyama

Geisha districts have been restaurants districts since 1820 and still there are many restaurants in Higashi chayagai district and Kazuemachi. These are mostly expensive, so Jiyu-ken will be a only choise if you are a budget traveller.

Higashi chayagai

Restaurant Jiyu-ken


Jiyu-ken is a restaurant in Higashi chaya-gai in Higashiyama. Highly recommended – inexpensive and the taste is good.
The restaurant’s speciality is Western-style-Japanese food.
When it comes to western, Westerner might be disappointed, however, this western is different. It is absolutely Japanese food widely eaten in Japan. Can you imagine an omelet with rice?


〒920-0831 金沢市東山1-6-6
1-6-6 Higashiyama, Kanazawa zip 920-0931

Opening hours and price

Hours Lunch : 11:30am to 3:00pm
Dinner :
Weekdays 5:00pm to 9:30pm
Weekends : 4:30pm to 9:30pm
Closing days Tuesday, Third Monday
Price 700-1,500 yen




Nabe Taro

Nabe Taro's ingredients

Nabe Taro is located in the middle of Kazuemachi district open 60 years ago. The restaurant’s special is nabe – a Japanese hot pot with kelp soup. They use 17 kinds of fishes for ingredients. This is pretty amazing because we use only one fish as an ingredient when cook a nabe.
I have been there once. The taste was nice.


〒920-0908 金沢市主計町2-7
2-7 Kazuemachi, Kanazawa zip 920-0908

Opening hours and price

Hours 12:00 to 10:00pm
Price 6,000 yen-



Tempura Miyashita

Kanazawa's tempra

Tempura miyashita specialized tempura – deep fried vegetables, mushrooms and seafood. The tempura is served with dipping sauce or topped on rice with soy sauce. Booking in advance is recommended since they have only 8 seats.


〒920-0831 金沢市東山1-2-12
1-2-12 Higashiyama, Kanazawa zip 920-0831

Opening hours and price

Hours Lunch 12:00~2:00pm
Dinner 5:00pm~9:00pm
Price Lunch 3,000yen-
Dinner 10,000yen-15,000 yen



